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Introduction to the MITI Coding Tool

Introduction to the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) Coding Tool


This 2-hour live webinar with two Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) trainers is an introduction to the MITI.


The webinar will introduce participants to the MITI coding tool and the MITI coding feedback sheet and how these are used with assessing competence in MI-consistent clinician sessions. We will discuss how, and in what contexts, using the MITI coding tool can be helpful, and the value it has in deepening knowledge of Motivational Interviewing (MI).


The webinar is interactive and after we introduce the Behavior Counts of the MITI, participants will get a chance to try out coding. We will also code a short audio after we introduce the concept of the Global scores.


This webinar has been created for supervisors, for self-supervision of MI, for clinicians who are in a context or a study where their work will be coded with the MITI coding tool, and for researchers curious to know more about how this coding tool may be helpful in their research which has MI as a focus.


Cost:  $95.00

Maximum 30 participants


Contact us for more details:

Tel: 831-204-3601


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